Teaching the students about their learning style, and how they will learn best.
Howard Gardner found that with the exclusion of unusual circumstances, all students have the ability to develop all 8 intelligences to a high-level. If a student is aware of the reason why they are not learning in a particular class or what they can do to develop themselves to comprehend the material, their success rates both in our classes and others will be higher.
Implementing a constant feedback system to establish whether or not students are comprehending material.
Because of the scope of learning styles in the classes, it is necessary that we regularly check with students to ensure that they understand the course material. By testing students 2 or 3 times a semester, you do not discover a lack of understanding until you are very far into the semester. In a study by Loli Dillon, she found that by asking students once a week what activities they enjoyed or learned the most from, and asking them which things were still unclear to them, she was able to respond immediately to the needs of the class.
Step 1--Assess and identify students
Step 2 -- Recognize and adopt learning styles in the classroom (Previous Step)
Step 3 -- Inform students about individual styles
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